Liming Wax is a white wax used to create a limed effect on oak and other interior hardwoods.

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Work the liming wax into the grain of the wood with Liberon Ultra fine Steel Wool (0000) or a lint-free cotton cloth and wipe over with a clean cloth to remove excess. Allow to dry for 3 minutes.
Remove the white haze using a cloth and Wax Polish Black Bison Neutral, or if a water-resistant finish is required, with Liberon Finishing Oil.
Apply a second coat of Wax Polish Black Bison and buff or add another coat of oil. The more coats of oil that are applied the greater the water resistance and the higher the shine.


  • Coverage: 12-16m² per litre
  • Drying time: minimum 5 minutes
  • Perfect for use on Oak, Elm and other hardwoods
  • Special effects wax 
  • Adds a white colour to the grain of hardwood
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