How to order online & collect with Bailey Paints

  • Place the products you wish to order in basket
  • Select shipping option: Collect in store
  • Follow basket instructions, including Billing Address
  • Proceed to checkout
  • Proceed to make payment through secure transaction company Sagepay

What happens next?

  • You will receive an automated email to tell you that your order has been placed
  • You will receive a second automated email upon successful payment through our secure online transaction handler Sagepay
  • Processing your order can take up to 4 hours (working hours are 8-5 Mon-Fri. We are unfortunately unable to process website orders on the weekend).
  • We will send you an email when we begin processing your order.
  • When your goods are ready, you will receive a final email alerting you that your goods are ready for collection.

When can I collect?

Please do not set off for our store until we have emailed you to confirm your goods are ready for collection. You are more than welcome to ring or email us to enquire on the status of your order. Typically, your order will be ready 4 hours after we confirm it to be 'in progress'.

If we expect any delay, for instance, if we have to order your goods in, we will inform you as soon as possible.

Account Customers

If you are an account customer please phone or email us your order. We currently have no functionality on the website to facilitate account orders.


If you have any questions on our collection service please feel free to ring us.